A new alternative energy........Steam?
Steampunks. Yes, it seems these bleeding edge engineers want to usher in some kind of steam renaissance. They feel it necessary to build a vehicle that will break the land speed record for a steam-powered vehicle. And then what...............?
Silly me, before I read this article I would have thought the land speed record for a steam powered vehicle was, like, 65 miles an hour........tops? Naw. Apparantly, a company named Stanley Steamer built the car that set the record of 127 mph back in 1906. Now Mr. Glynne Bowsher wants to build a new state of the art steamer with a top speed of............200 mph. Wow. Almost 100 years and all they can muster is a mere 73 miles more? All this effort and will it truely usher in a new demand for steam cars? Nope. The nature of their design is incompatible with the demands of a mass market consumer car. Wonderful.
These guys must have been funded by former dot com VCs. No due diligence. The VCs could have at least asked the experts on the marketability of steam powered vehicles before they invested. Hell, they could have just asked the Stanley Steamer company. They probably realised 100 years ago that they weren't going to make money at it, considering the fact that they now make steam cleaners.
Sketch: 45 minutes each. No reference. I am now on a chick kick. I will be drawing them for as long as I'm inspired by the nude female form. Guess I will be on this kick till I'm dead in the ground.

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