Brian Edenfield
Available for freelance
Photoshop, 3DS Max 7, Maya 7, Flash, Torque Game Engine
Sketching, Illustration, Concept Design, Animation, 3D Modeling and Sculpture
Beeline Studios
Evil Twin/Doppelganger
Electronic Arts
A.S.K. Learning
Tektonic Studios
SCEA, Inc.
Spunky Productions
Pixel Technologies
Juggernaut Studios
Jellyman Productions
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

#1 Single got back.

Yeah, #1 Single is a pretty ridiculous premise for a show. What else is new? - absolutely nothing.

Pretty, successful singer-songwriter in search of a Significant Other takes the E! audience along for the ride. Way to clog the airwaves with more pap, E!

It's hard to imagine this woman has a hard time meeting men. It's even harder for me to imagine that debasing yourself on national teevee for a possible love connection is going to cleanse the dating pool of any undesirables. In fact, I would think it raises the percentage of stalkers and court injunctions you would have to deal with.

But whatever floats your boat.

I'm not a fan of Ms Loeb's music, but I will say this......

For a 37 year old woman, she's got a mighty fine bootie.


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