Brian Edenfield
Available for freelance
Photoshop, 3DS Max 7, Maya 7, Flash, Torque Game Engine
Sketching, Illustration, Concept Design, Animation, 3D Modeling and Sculpture
Beeline Studios
Evil Twin/Doppelganger
Electronic Arts
A.S.K. Learning
Tektonic Studios
SCEA, Inc.
Spunky Productions
Pixel Technologies
Juggernaut Studios
Jellyman Productions
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Net Neutrality

Don't think it's really an issue? Imagine you're a small business that survives from online sales and without it you're basically sunk. Now think about what a slow down would do to your visitor numbers. Do you wait around for impossibly slow websites to load up? Didn't think so.

Telecoms like AT&T already make money from companies "using their pipes". Their attempts at putting toll booths on net traffic is nothing but straight up greed. And they're using YOUR representatives to strip more hard earned dollars out of your pocket. Don't let 'em do it. I'm getting rid of my Cingular(AT&T) phone very soon. You should do the same. If you have an AT&T product or service, I say chuck it for one of the other providers.


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